In 1955, travelers who ventured out beyond Houston’s southwest boundaries saw rice fields and prairie. Frank Coller was different. He saw the potential for the WORLD’S LARGEST SUBDIVISION: BROOKTON.

It became, and still is, one of the largest housing developments in the country with more than 6,800, single-family dwellings.

The Brookton Civic Association (BCA), the publisher of the TODAY Magazine, is a 501(c)4 non profit organization with voluntary membership.  The work of the Association is done by volunteers and is funded through membership dues and contributions.

Benefits and projects provided include:

  • Deed Restriction Enforcement
  • Architectural Control
  • Mosquito Fogging
  • Neighborhood Beautification Programs
  • Monthly general Meetings Providing Programs Of Interest To The Residents
  • Delivery of community magazine to all 7,000 residents.

Special Projects That Benefit Brookton Residents – Such as a petition that helped keep a proposed adult parole office and nightclub expansion away from our area
Brookton residents are strongly urged to support the BCA and all it does for the community. BCA’s prime goals are to protect the property values, keep the neighborhood pleasing to the eye, and encourage a safe, diverse neighborhood that people want to live in.
